"When Worlds Collide
A Tribute to Daniel Amos" 
a CD by Ferriswheel Productions
Fundraiser for Compassion Internationl

I really enjoy this album, though not as much as listening to the real Daniel Amos.  By and large let me begin by saying: nobody can equal the angelic quality of the real Daniel Amos and Terry Scott Taylor vocals.  Randy Stonehill, however, comes closest on Track 9 with "Beautiful One".

Nevertheless, I really like some of the other groups who have performed these classic Daniel Amos songs.  Among the highlights for me are: "Shedding The Mortal Coil" (Starflyer 59), "Hold Back The Wind, Donna" (Sideways8), "Incredible Shrinking Man" (Truck), and "The Pool" (JAP).  Not bad there at all on "The Pool" – that, I think, would have been the most difficult piece to do as well as Terry Scott Taylor, and I think they do a pretty darn good job of it.  

It is also awesome to hear Larry Norman do "The Hound of Heaven."  I couldn't have imagined a better piece to hear Larry Norman on.  It's almost like it was written for him.

One I found the most interesting was "Real Girls" by Joy Gewalt.  I don't know who Joy Gewalt is, but she did a pretty good job.  When I picked up the CD, I had the biggest difficulty imagining what it would sound like with a woman singing that song.  Then she pulls the strangeness of that twist a step farther with having young girls do the shouting "GIRLS!"  (At least it sounds like young girls).  I think her rendition gives the song a further dimension that I had never even thought of before.  It never would have crossed my mind to think of the "Girls" in "Girls" as children.  I always imagined the imaginary "girls" to be your typical 18 to 20 year old "Barbie" imitations.  (Keeping in mind "Barbie" is a trademark of Matel, here, I don't know how to make that little TM symbol in web text…)   Anyhow, having children in there, makes you think of your own daughters, and their future places in this demented world, whereas before what I thought of in that song was the general exploitation of women.

All in all, I liked the CD.  Some I did not really care for were "William Blake" by Erin Echo.  I just cannot hear that song with a woman's vocal.  It doesn't work in my head.  Maybe that's because I have Terry Scott Taylor's voice imbedded in my head singing that song… I just can't get used to hearing a woman's voice there.  No shame to Erin Echo, I'm sure did a fine job.  I just won't be listening to that track again.

I also did not care for the 77's rendition of "Shotgun Angel."  That surprised me because I love the 77's.  I didn't care for Phil Madeira's version of "Alarma!" either, but then I really don't care for Phil Madeira.  He has too much of a mainstream sound for my Alternative Ears.  But, different strokes for different folks, as they say.

~ Basil

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